

Helping Changemakers spend less time marketing so they can be in their gifts

Get started with clearing your marketing blocks!




You have come to the Right place!

Share your high ticket program

You have amazing work you do, now it's time to get in front of those already looking for you! There are people looking for solutions to their problems everyday.

Business Intensive and nail your next launch

We'll map out your core offers and value ladder. We'll collaborate to give your messaging zing. You'll leave with a plan for your launch, traffic, and numbers needed to nail your launch.


Often it's not the strategy and tactics, but rather the internal stuff keeping us from shining and showing up. This could be related to money, marketing and visibility, or some other sneaky resistance below the surface.

"Sherilyn underpromised and overdelivered."

- Shellie Proffitt Howells


I'm a marketing and traffic strategist for holistic and soulful business owners. I'm known

for helping women entrepreneurs break free from old stories and boxes, so they can step up and create their own stage as an online influencer (I'm talking real influence, not the flashy kind.) We work on strategy, traffic and energy.

For most entrepreneurs what holds them back isn't knowledge, but self-sabotage and negative internal dialogue. No matter how fancy your sales pages are, how crafty your sales conversations are, or how decked out your automation is, if you ignore these internal blocks, they will invade your pricing, destroy your offers, and crumble your sales conversations.

That's because marketing is more than just the tactics. The truth is, success in business begins with our inner game. When an entrepreneur releases internal blocks, that's when the marketing begins to click, your income begins to rise, and your confidence soars right alongside with it!

As a certified business coach, energy practitioner and marketing strategist, my clients have overcome money blocks to receive thousands of dollars, increase their pricing from $100 per session to $8,000 per package, book out $15000 programs, achieve high search engine rankings, and to finally feel confident in who they are and what they do.

I'm also the creator popular programs, such as Inner Game Mastery, Hero Marketing, Become a Client Magnet, and Break Out Of The Cocoon. I've presented at Renew and Find You, Awaken The Light Within, Starlight Online Events, and Studio Chatter (SFCN channel 17) as well as retreats and summits.

Get ready to step into a new light, greater understanding and better mindset about who you are and what you're really worth!